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Protagonists > Medici Senza Frontiere

Sunday, August 30


Exhibitions Mole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Edited by Medici Senza Frontiere. An exhibition to tell millions of steps made by masses of people. People which are forced to escape from their homes and become foreigners, refugees, and displaced.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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Adriatico Mediterraneo Exhibition’s opening

Events Mole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Southeast Europe: people and cultures.

An exhibition presented by the European Commission D.G. Neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations (NEAR)

Eco de Femmes.

Edited by GVC


Edited by Medici Senza Frontiere

Merci, genti, mare.

Edited by Matteo Tacconi and Ignacio Maria Coccia in collaboration with Ruben Lagattolla

Mediterraneum. Centro del Mondo.

Edited by Associazione Artistica Culturale Arcadia


Booklet 2015


  • Do you want to share with us the experience of the Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo?
    We are looking for volunteers who are willing to collaborate with us from 08.16.
    Send your curriculum vitae to: logistica@adriaticomediterraneo.eu

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