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Areas > Meetings

Sunday, August 30

Presentation of "Il mare non ti parlerà" by Massimo Conti

Meetings Locanda Del Porto

Presented by Antonio Luccarini

Massimo Conti, writer and hiker who doesn’t like to follow the beaten track, has travelled across the coast of the Marches, from Gabicce to Porto d’Ascoli: a journey which comes with an unusual recount of events, drawn out across dry land all measured in his own footsteps. With his nonplussed and felt eye, Massimo Conti compromises neither on beauty nor on unsightliness.

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Evening with Marco Cesario

Meetings Osteria Teatro Strabacco

Presented by Leila Ben Salah

Marco Cesario, 40 years of age, graduated in Philosophy at the University of Naples and has a Master in Philosophy at the Paris-Sorbonne University in Paris. He is a professional journalist and his work is focused on the Mediterranean area. In 2006 he started working for the national agency ANSA, on the ANSAmed board, specialising in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern arab-muslims. From Paris he has collaborated with the magazine ResetDoc, with Micromega, with the online newspaper Linkiesta and also with the magazine BabelMed. He also writes about the Mediterranean on Globalist and MedArabNews.

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Women are odd numbers
Nine stories x nine photos x nine musical pieces

Meetings Legatoria Librare

By Francesca Tilio

Francesca Tilio is a photographer; she started writing after an accident that forced her to temporary immobility. Out of this was born an original collection of nine stories that deploy an extravagant and feminine ideal, sexy and perverse, accompanied by nine songs and nine photos taken over time. For the duration of the festival, you can also go to the Legatoria Librare bringing with you a photo (printed or digital), leave a phrase and the title of a piece of music linked to that photo. Francesca Tilio will collect them for her new book.

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Monday, August 31

Presentation of the book “Lampaduza” by Davide Camarrone

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside

Presented by Marina Roscani

Lampedusa-Lampaduza, flat and stark, is Europe’s outpost. It is the first patch of land that the migrants consider as their promised land. This reportage, written in first person, somewhere between journalism and literature, begins with a journey that took place in September 2012 and from the encounters of numerous witnesses. The story tells of the faces and places, the voices of the inhabitants, the many, anonymous heroes, the military, the volunteers, the Mayor. A violent and tragic story that has caused and still causes immense suffering.

Davide Camarrone, RAI journalist and writer, was born in Palermo in 1966. “Lampaduza” is his fifth book.

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Presentation of “Non sono un assassino” by Francesco Caringella

Meetings Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Convegni

At the presence of Lawyer Fernando Piazzolla, President of the Criminal Chamber in Ancona
Moderator: Martino Martellini, journalist

A crime story: the murder of a judge engaged in the search for truth is the starting spark to the legal anomalous thriller, of which takes centre stage the panorama of the Mediterranean Puglia countryside. Trial and truth, justice and law are the themes that intertwine the story by Caringella until its very final pages.

Francesco Caringella, is ex court magistrate and member of the State Council. Non sono un assassino is his second novel.

Event sponsorised by Namirial s.p.a. Senigallia and by Seeport Hotel Ancona.

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Presentation of the book “Il Panorama qui è meraviglioso” by Margherita Rinaldi e Corrado Maggi

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo

With the partecipation of Asmae Dachan

A collection of reflections and interviews on different aspects of life and the recent story of the city of Ancona, told through the words of some of its protagonists. The book brings together a series of blog posts written by the author between 2012 and 2014 from the blog Segmenti (www.segmentiblog.wordpress.com).

Margherita Rinaldi is a professional journalist and has a Master in Institutional Communication. Between 2005 and 2010 she worked as press office at the county council of Ancona before passing on to the regions office in the Marches. The entire journey is accompanied by images of Corrado Maggi. Photographer-author of numerous works and exhibitions about the city - he captures Ancona from new points of view, often surprising, sometimes alienating.

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Tuesday, September 1

Presentation of Maiden Voyage, with Carboneria Letteraria

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside

The following will be present: Manuela Maggi, Giuseppe D’Emilio, Roberto Fogliardi, Gabriele Falcioni, Francesca Garello, Biancastella Lodi

The first collective novel by the Carboneria Letteraria, group, a literary experiment that combines collective narration, science fiction and classic crime genre of the locked room mysteries. The novel is narrated by the fourteen characters, each of whom a different author gives voice, creating a snap-fit novel written by 34 hands and 17 brains of the 14 authors of which 5 are women, 8 men and one polymorphic.

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Tunisia struggles for democracy. Different faces of women’s liberty

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo

Meeting with Giorgiana Giacconi, Attorney of GVC in Tunisia, Leila Ben Salah, journalist and Carlotta Piccinini, director.

Follows screening of a “Eco de Femmes” which comes from the homonymous project promoted by GVC.

“Eco de Femmes” is a choral documentary that recounts the experiences and life and work ambitions of six women who live and work in different rural areas between Morocco and Tunisia. Six women who have the common objective of creating a cooperative that can combine the ancient farming knowledge and female manufacturing with the development of new products on the market. “Eco de femmes” is planned and carried out in the same project’s field, promoted by GVC and financed by the European Union and the Farming Onlus (CEFA), le Réseau Tunisien del’Economie Sociale (RTES) and le Réseau Marocain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (REMESS). The documentary was made thanks to the precious collaboration with Elenfant association of authors, filmmakers and independent producers.

Carlotta Piccinini, class of 1979, works across the board in the art video field making interactive installations and social documentaries.

With the patronage of Commissione per le Pari Opportunità tra uomo e donna della Regione Marche

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Wednesday, September 2

Evening with Paolo Rumiz
Program dedicated to the First World War

Meetings Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana

Presented by Sergio Sparapani

Memories and lessons from the First World War told, at first hand, by Paolo Rumiz, who in his travels has crossed more times frontiers that, a century ago, have become frontlines between countries at war, putting himself in the shoes of those who in ‘15 were catapulted into the “senseless slaughter” that changed Europe and the world forever. What is left of those bloodbaths? What lessons have been learned and which, rather, have been forgotten, a century after Italy’s entrance in the Great War? These are the questions asked before setting off on a trip of discovering places, people and their stories.

Paolo Rumiz writer and journalist, was sent off by Trieste’s Il Piccolo and as editorial journalist for La Repubblica. He has travelled at great length across Europe, the Mediterranean and the East.

*The ticket also includes the show by Maurizio Casagrande

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Thursday, September 3

Evening with Giulio Giorello
“Reasons of word”, IX edition dedicated to “Love”: The Mediterranean as seat of approval of solidarity

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti

Knowledge and solidarity towards a pacific coexistence between cultures
Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Giulio Giorello is world renowned epistemologist, tenured professor of the Philosophy of Science at the State University of Milan, author of dozens of essays. He has recently published the volumes on “Il tradimento: in politica, in amore e non solo” and “Lussuria, la passione della conoscenza”. Also of particular interest: “Con intelligenza e amore. Ricerca e carità”, with Carlo Maria Martini (2015), “La lezione di Martini. Quello che da ateo ho imparato da un cardinale” (2013).

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Presentation of “Tremaggio”. The flood in Senigallia in a story told by nine writers.

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside

Edited by Antonio Maddamma

What really happened the morning of the 3rd of May 2014 in Senigallia? Where did that mud come from and what did it covered and what did it took away? A book that tries to tell the story of that tragedy with narrative tools and to tackles the complex reality using the fictitious tale.

The collected works contain the stories by Andrea Bacianini, Leonardo Badioli, Enrico Carli, Catherine Cipolat, Pelagio D’Afro, Paolo Mirti, Mariangela Paradisi, Luca Rachetta e Andrea Valenti. The collection, along with photographs by Mirko Silvestrini, includes a contribution by Massimo Cirri and his proceeds are donated helping the victims of the flood in Senigallia.

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Friday, September 4

Egypt between fundamentalism, political regime and freedom

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo

Evening with Giuseppe Acconcia
Moderator: Michela Mercuri, Professor of the department of Contemporary history of Mediterranean countries at the Macerata University

What is really happening in Egypt? Cairo still finds itself in the middle of a difficult exit post Mubarak, the objectives of the groups affiliated to the Islamic State and the theatre of a difficult debate between repression and a yearning for freedom.

Giuseppe Acconcia, journalist, writer and specialised researcher on the Middle East is the correspondent for the newspaper Il Manifesto. He is also the reporter for Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Kurdistan and other surrounding areas.

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Evening with History: Franco Cardini

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti

Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Franco Cardini, Florentine, historian of international fame and one of the most important Italian experts of history – and of the stories – of the Mediterranean. The sea acts as the scene of collisions but also of encounters between cultures and religions that, from the Medieval period onwards and after the discovery of lines that bring together the shores of the Mediterranean Basin, lines made up of commerce, relationships and shared ideals.
An evening to talk about the great battles and economic and cultural links that have, forever, crossed the waves of the sea.

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Readings with Alessia Raccichini
Carmelina. Blue heart. Heart of salt.

Meetings Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Incontri

Alessia Raccichini works in the world of performance and communicative arts. Actress, storyteller and copywriter, she is also author of various short stories, short plays and narrative texts for the commemorative history of places.


Saturday, September 5

Evening with Davide Rondoni
“Reasons of word”, IX edition dedicated to “Love”: The Mediterranean as seat of approval of solidarity

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti

Tollerance and Migration: the contribution to the solidarity of religions
Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Davide Rondoni, from Forlì, is one of the major contemporary Italian poets, as well as author of essays, narrative texts and plays. He founded and directed the Contemporary Poetry Centre at the University of Bologna. He currently holds courses in poetry and literature at the universities of Bologna, Milan Cattolica, Genova, Rome and also abroad at Yale and at Colombia University. He participated in the most important poetry festivals in Italy and abroad.

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The Bosphorus hanging in the balance: Turkey at the crossroads

Meetings Arco di Traiano

Evening with Marta Ottaviani | Presented by Jurij Bogogna

Turkey has always been a bridge between cultures and now, more than ever, it finds itself in a precarious balance among numerous different worlds that shake within its insides: Europe and Asia, modern and tradition, secularism and religious integralism.

Marta Ottaviani, journalist from Milan, after having attended the Istituto di Formazione Giornalistica “Carlo De Martino”, has lived eight years in Turkey. She collaborated with, among others, La Stampa, Avvenire and East. She has written: Cose da Turchi and Mille e una Turchia, edited by Mursia.

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Booklet 2015


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