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from 04/07/2015 to 04/10/2015  
Renaissance over Image

ExhibitionsMuseo Tattile Statale Omero - Mole Vanvitelliana

Donatello, Della Robbia, Veronese, Giambologna and great Renaissance masters. The treasures of the Bellini’s collection like never seen before. 25 original works, including sculptures and paintings. The Renaissance masterpieces, showed in a new dimension in the halls of the Mole Vanvitelliana, to be rediscovered in a multisensory course to add excitement to emotions. The exhibition is organized by the Museo Tattile Statale Omero of Ancona and the Museo Bellini of Florence.

Opening hours

Till 15th September 2015 from Tuesday to Friday: 18.00 - 22.00
Saturday and Monday: 10.00 - 13.00 / 18.00 - 22.00


Full price: 6 €
Reduced: 5 € age over 65 and groups of minimum 10 people
Extra reduced: 3 € age from 6 till 19, college/university students
Free: from age 0 till 6, one person accompanying each group, disabled and their carers

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from 30/08/2015 to 05/09/2015   |   FREE ENTRY

ExhibitionsMole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Edited by Medici Senza Frontiere. An exhibition to tell millions of steps made by masses of people. People which are forced to escape from their homes and become foreigners, refugees, and displaced.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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from 30/08/2015 to 05/09/2015   |   FREE ENTRY
Eco de Femmes

ExhibitionsMole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Edited by GVC. A photographic story about life, plans and hopes of over 800 women from the poorest part of Maghreb.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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from 30/08/2015 to 05/09/2015   |   FREE ENTRY
Mediterraneum. Centro del Mondo

ExhibitionsMole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Edited by Associazione Artistica Culturale Arcadia. The Mediterranean as a cradle and a crossroads of different cultures, is the main theme of painting and sculpture. A survey about our origins, about what has built our cultural identity and heritage.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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from 30/08/2015 to 05/09/2015   |   FREE ENTRY
Merci, genti, mare

ExhibitionsMole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

Those who work, those who live at the port of Ancona, a photographic story made during the workshop held in July 20015 by Matteo Tacconi and Ignacio Maria Coccia in collaboration with Ruben Lagattolla.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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from 30/08/2015 to 05/09/2015   |   FREE ENTRY
Southeast Europe: people and cultures

ExhibitionsMole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint

An exhibition presented by the European Commission D.G. Neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations (NEAR) to tell the South Eastern Europe countries maybe forthcoming members of the European Union, to tell their populations and their cultures.

Opening hours:

From 18:00 to 22:00.
Closed on Mondays.

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Saturday, August 29

Festa Adriatica
Sounds & Flavors of the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion

Events Arco di Traiano


A party which involves all the senses. An evening made of music and rhythms of the sea, the flavors and scents of the Adriatic and Balkans.

Music of the sea
Four bands that mix and assemble different Adriatic and Balkans traditions, all together to tell about a Sea that joins: Spartiti per Scutari Orkestra, formation which straddles Albania and Italy, between tradition and new compositions; Vrelo which mix Serbian musical tradition and minimalist modernity; Orchestrina Adriatica, made up of musicians from different countries of the area, combining sounds and slangs coming from different cultures that are intertwined in the Mediterranean ports; finally the sound of the Croatian tradition Cinkusi, with significant influences of neo folk, cabaret and punk.

Adriatic’s Kitchens
Three locations around Arco di Traiano, to taste flavors and aromas of the Adriatic coast. Starting in Italy through Balcans till Greece.
Caffè del Teatro / Stockfish: dishes from Marche, Puglia, Albania
Souvlaki Bar: Greek specialties
Cafè Darderi: Balkan patisserie
Festival Internazionale del Brodetto e delle Zuppe di Pesce: Adriatic seafood cuisine

With support of the European Union: Eu.t.er.pe. Project, funded under the Creative Europe project; European Commission D.G. Policy of Neighborhood and enlargement negotiations (NEAR); D.C.E. Adriatic Project; Adriatic Innovative Factory; Refresh! Lo spettacolo delle Marche per le nuove generazioni

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Spartiti per Scutari Orkestra (Albania)

Music Arco di Traiano


directed by Bardh Jakova


Vrelo (Serbia)

Music Arco di Traiano


Nataša Tomic - voice | Stanko Tomic - bass | Zlatko Sakulski - drums, percussions | Marijana Bizumic - voice | Ivana Jovanovic - voice | Brankica Ivankovic - voice | Maja Martic - voice


Orchestrina Adriatica (Italy)

Music Arco di Traiano


Giovanni Seneca - flamenco guitar and knocker, compositions and arrangements | Gabriele Pesaresi - double-bass | Roberto Lucanero - accordion and melodeon | Antonella Vento - voice

Guest: Alen Abdagić (Bosnia) - voice

Project Eu.t.er.pe.'s soloists: Paul Goodman (Ireland) - lyra | Milan Savic (Serbia) - sax | Ivan Patelac (Croatia) - brac | Francesco Savoretti (Italy) - tambourine


Cinkusi (Croatia)

Music Arco di Traiano


Igor Barić - violin, flute | Marko First - violin, bagpipe | Natalia B. Radušić - mandoline | Mirko Radušić - acustic guitar | Nebojša Stijačić - electric guitar | Nikola Santro - trombone | Tihomir Kruhonja - double bass | Marko Meštrović - percussions, djembe


Sunday, August 30

How to establish a proper relationship with Pet Animals

Conferences Loggia Dei Mercanti


The situations of abuse, abandonment, illegal trade of pets can be countered through the maturing of a relationship imprinted through the knowledge and respect for diversity.

Preamble: Claudio Zabaglia - Assessorato Ambiente – Regione Marche, Alberto Tibaldi – Assessorato Salute – Regione Marche, Associations participating in the project "La scuola adotta un canile"

Speakers: Andrea Spaterna – Health Director Ospedale Veterinario Universitario Didattico – UNICAM, Roberto Marchesini – Ethologist, philosopher and director of SIUA, Maria Chiara Catalani - Veterinarian, expert in behavior, Vice-Chairman of SISCA, Stefano Gavaudan - Veterinary manager Istituto Zooprofilattico Umbria-Marche, Simone Cecchini - Chief Constable Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Rocco Coretti - Coordinator Zoophilic Guards OIPA Ancona.

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The Arco di Traiano, nineteen hundred years of history

Guided Tours Starting from Piazza del Senato


A tour dedicated to the Roman remains in the city that will end at the Arco di Traiano.
For info and booking: prenotazioni@opera-coop.it


13:00 ↓ 15:00
Release of the Loggerhead Turtle

Events Portonovo - Area in front of Cooperativa "Mosciolari"


Milagro is a 10 years old loggerhead turtle that will be released after a long stay at the veterinary hospital Cetacea Onlus Riccione. It has been found at the port of Ancona on 21st of August 2013. The turtle had a very deep wound on the skull and on the carapace: survived miraculously (hence its name), now expects to return to the sea as soon as possible.


How is our sea? Environment and endangered species

Conferences Loggia Dei Mercanti


The conference aims to take stock of the situation of water and ecosystems of the Adriatic Sea in relation to the pollution effects, fisheries, climate’s changes on marine ecosystems.

Preamble: Claudio Zabaglia - Assessorato Ambiente – Regione Marche, Marco Affronte – Marine biologist and Member of European Parliament, Gianni Corvatta – Technical Scientific Director Arpa Marche, Mauro Marini – Person in charge of CNR-ISMAR of Ancona, Francesco Regoli – Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente UNIVPM, Carlo Cerrano – Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente UNIVPM, Gaia Angelini - LAV representative.

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18.30 ↓ 22.30
Readings on board - With Giancarlo Trapanese

Events Departure from Marina Dorica


Tales inspired on “Ascoltami” and “La giusta scelta” by Giancarlo Trapanese, with guitar accompagniment by Giovanni Brecciaroli

A trip, at sunset, on board a sailboat along the Conero Riviera. A chance to hear directly from the “authors’ mouths”, a presentation of their works and pieces, as chosen by them. An opportunity to discover new places, flavours and words of the sea, to the sound of the waves of the Adriatic Sea.

The trip leaves from and returns to the tourist port of Marina Dorica. The trip costs € 30 per person, dinner onboard included, minimum bookings 5, maximum 21.
Booking is required at least a day in advance: +39 333 8030790 / +39 335 8368259 or info@foursailing.it.

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Adriatico Mediterraneo Exhibition’s opening

Events Mole Vanvitelliana - Entrance from Infopoint


Southeast Europe: people and cultures.

An exhibition presented by the European Commission D.G. Neighborhood policy and enlargement negotiations (NEAR)

Eco de Femmes.

Edited by GVC


Edited by Medici Senza Frontiere

Merci, genti, mare.

Edited by Matteo Tacconi and Ignacio Maria Coccia in collaboration with Ruben Lagattolla

Mediterraneum. Centro del Mondo.

Edited by Associazione Artistica Culturale Arcadia


Presentation of "Il mare non ti parlerà" by Massimo Conti

Meetings Locanda Del Porto


Presented by Antonio Luccarini

Massimo Conti, writer and hiker who doesn’t like to follow the beaten track, has travelled across the coast of the Marches, from Gabicce to Porto d’Ascoli: a journey which comes with an unusual recount of events, drawn out across dry land all measured in his own footsteps. With his nonplussed and felt eye, Massimo Conti compromises neither on beauty nor on unsightliness.

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19:00 ↓ 00:00
Al Mashrah Within the project “Una Piazza per Vallemiano”

Events Casa delle Culture


> h 19.00

Graphic News: The today’s world told in comics.

Graphic News is the first digital information native portal made in comics, capable of exploiting the potential of Web to provide a very original experience of reading. The Editorial Staff will be present at the meeting to illustrate this innovative project.
Presented by Jacopo Frey

> h 20.00

Ethnic dinner based on Lebanese specialties.

Booking mobile: +39 339 4507203

> h 21.00

“How do you imagine Ancona?”

To entertain and to inform in view of OpenSpaceTecnology of 26th September dedicated to Piano Strategico - StrategicAncona

> h 22.00

Centilene, oil and candlelight - lullabies between the Mediterranean and Central Europe

“Non Canto per Cantare”, in collaboration with HxP

Antonella Vento and Alen Abdagić - voice | Daniele Streccioni - accordion | Giovanni Spinozzi - guitar | Paola Pancotti and Mauro Balducci - flutes and sax | Claudio Mercanti - viola | Glauco Guerra - bass

The “centilena” was the acetylene carbide lamp which replaced in the recent past, oil illumination and use of candlelight in the countryside. A program of songs related to the female universe that comes from social exclusion and contradictions of an intense and exclusive relationship such as mother-son. A nocturnal setting and short dance performances will improve the atmosphere.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102
Show times: 19.30 and 21.00 Monday 31st August and Tuesday 1st September

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Evening with Marco Cesario

Meetings Osteria Teatro Strabacco


Presented by Leila Ben Salah

Marco Cesario, 40 years of age, graduated in Philosophy at the University of Naples and has a Master in Philosophy at the Paris-Sorbonne University in Paris. He is a professional journalist and his work is focused on the Mediterranean area. In 2006 he started working for the national agency ANSA, on the ANSAmed board, specialising in the Mediterranean and Middle Eastern arab-muslims. From Paris he has collaborated with the magazine ResetDoc, with Micromega, with the online newspaper Linkiesta and also with the magazine BabelMed. He also writes about the Mediterranean on Globalist and MedArabNews.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices Replica

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102
Show times: 19.30 and 21.00 Monday 31st August and Tuesday 1st September

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Taranta Minor in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Ambrogio De Nicola - voice, guitar, tambourine | Angelo Litti - tambourine, voice | Giuseppe Profico - voice, guitar | Roland Kocillari - bass

With the participation of the folk dance group Solstizio Mediterraneo

Taranta Minor is a vibrant group of professional musicians from Salento who perform the multiple variations of the rich repertoire of this effervescent geographical area in Puglia. They enrich these variations with a completely new musical guise but are always characterised by the simplicity and the succinct style of the old masters.

The Solstizio Mediterraneo company presents a short journey across the popular climate of Puglia and the traditional dances of Salento. From the diversity of their background, comes a rather original fusion that recalls the past but in a new light.

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Women are odd numbers
Nine stories x nine photos x nine musical pieces

Meetings Legatoria Librare


By Francesca Tilio

Francesca Tilio is a photographer; she started writing after an accident that forced her to temporary immobility. Out of this was born an original collection of nine stories that deploy an extravagant and feminine ideal, sexy and perverse, accompanied by nine songs and nine photos taken over time. For the duration of the festival, you can also go to the Legatoria Librare bringing with you a photo (printed or digital), leave a phrase and the title of a piece of music linked to that photo. Francesca Tilio will collect them for her new book.

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Monday, August 31

Presentation of the book “Lampaduza” by Davide Camarrone

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside


Presented by Marina Roscani

Lampedusa-Lampaduza, flat and stark, is Europe’s outpost. It is the first patch of land that the migrants consider as their promised land. This reportage, written in first person, somewhere between journalism and literature, begins with a journey that took place in September 2012 and from the encounters of numerous witnesses. The story tells of the faces and places, the voices of the inhabitants, the many, anonymous heroes, the military, the volunteers, the Mayor. A violent and tragic story that has caused and still causes immense suffering.

Davide Camarrone, RAI journalist and writer, was born in Palermo in 1966. “Lampaduza” is his fifth book.

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Presentation of “Non sono un assassino” by Francesco Caringella

Meetings Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Convegni


At the presence of Lawyer Fernando Piazzolla, President of the Criminal Chamber in Ancona
Moderator: Martino Martellini, journalist

A crime story: the murder of a judge engaged in the search for truth is the starting spark to the legal anomalous thriller, of which takes centre stage the panorama of the Mediterranean Puglia countryside. Trial and truth, justice and law are the themes that intertwine the story by Caringella until its very final pages.

Francesco Caringella, is ex court magistrate and member of the State Council. Non sono un assassino is his second novel.

Event sponsorised by Namirial s.p.a. Senigallia and by Seeport Hotel Ancona.

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Readings on a towboat - With Luca Levi and Giorgia Furbetta

Events Porto di Ancona – Banchina n°1


Migrant fragments
Through the words of Lina Prosa, the story and the testimony of those who are born in the wrong place at the wrong time. The life of new immigrants. Their desperate journeys in search of missed, attempted and found destinies. Their tragic acts of love.

“The sinking was total. But it was absolutely simple [...] The sea is innocent.”
(Lampedusa beach - L. Prosa)

For the occasion, the Bar La Rotonda – Scalo Molo Nord will offer an aperitif: 3 different taste of Stockfish with drink - 12 €; platter of cold cuts and cheese or veg platter with drinks - 10 €.
For more info: Bar La Rotonda +39 349 1888119.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102
Show times: 19.30 and 21.00 Tuesday 1st September

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Presentation of the book “Il Panorama qui è meraviglioso” by Margherita Rinaldi e Corrado Maggi

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo


With the partecipation of Asmae Dachan

A collection of reflections and interviews on different aspects of life and the recent story of the city of Ancona, told through the words of some of its protagonists. The book brings together a series of blog posts written by the author between 2012 and 2014 from the blog Segmenti (www.segmentiblog.wordpress.com).

Margherita Rinaldi is a professional journalist and has a Master in Institutional Communication. Between 2005 and 2010 she worked as press office at the county council of Ancona before passing on to the regions office in the Marches. The entire journey is accompanied by images of Corrado Maggi. Photographer-author of numerous works and exhibitions about the city - he captures Ancona from new points of view, often surprising, sometimes alienating.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices Replica

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102
Show times: 19.30 and 21.00 Tuesday 1st September

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España Circo Este in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Marcelo - voice and guitar | Senor Missi - accordion, violin, voice | Felix - bass, voice | Capitan Jimmy - drums, percussion

The España Circo Este present a real and original caravan circus-music in a unique and original sound from their own “branded” Tango-Punk. Their strength lies in their live performances: crazy, colourful and tense. A merger between the Balkan sounds, the gypsy punk, folk, reggae/dub and Latin music. The España Circus Este offer lively atmosphere and catapulted their audience into a world-like circus. The España Circo Este have treaded the boards on the most ambitious stages in Italy, they have played with some of the best Italian bands, such as Lo Stato Sociale, Modena City Ramblers, Punkreas, Nobraino and have taken part in the soundtrack to one of the most loved Italian web series of 2013, “Days”.

The night will go ahead with Caffè Del Teatro / Stockfish and music by Dj Alpha

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Electric Violet in concert

Music Lazzabaretto


Raffaele Petrucci - voice and guitar | Tommaso Pompili - guitar, keyboard, voice | Simone Castracani – bass | Luca Zannini - drums, voice

In collaboration with: ARCI Ancona.

Like the heat of the colour red and the coldness of the colour blue comes forth the perfect synchrony of the colour violet, this is how the bits and valves, pop melodies and progressive frasing, dreamy classics and lived stories mix together, to create the sound of the Electric Violet. The quartet, all from Ancona, talks about the human relationships, love and self-analysis in the time of the Web.

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Tuesday, September 1

We, playing for the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion 2015 – 4th International trophy for young footballers



The event has a chiefly sports and recreational feel. “Us, playing” means that young people want to feel a part of the process in the construction of the Macroregion. They are in play because they go out on the field with all of their strength, passion, with the right preparation, ideals and expectations.


> 15.00   initial round of football tournament at the
  - Stadio Dorico
  - Impianto sportivo Caldaroni Aspio Vecchio di Ancona

> 18.30   end of the first day’s tournament

> 20.00   torchlight procession of the young members of the sporting club of Ancona and the participants of the tournament from the Fornetto of Ancona going towards the park on via Grotte di Posatora with a view of the sea

> 21.00   street style show of the group la Luna Dance Center dedicated to the participants of the tournament at the Parco Belvedere of Posatora

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Presentation of Maiden Voyage, with Carboneria Letteraria

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside


The following will be present: Manuela Maggi, Giuseppe D’Emilio, Roberto Fogliardi, Gabriele Falcioni, Francesca Garello, Biancastella Lodi

The first collective novel by the Carboneria Letteraria, group, a literary experiment that combines collective narration, science fiction and classic crime genre of the locked room mysteries. The novel is narrated by the fourteen characters, each of whom a different author gives voice, creating a snap-fit novel written by 34 hands and 17 brains of the 14 authors of which 5 are women, 8 men and one polymorphic.

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Tunisia struggles for democracy. Different faces of women’s liberty

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo


Meeting with Giorgiana Giacconi, Attorney of GVC in Tunisia, Leila Ben Salah, journalist and Carlotta Piccinini, director.

Follows screening of a “Eco de Femmes” which comes from the homonymous project promoted by GVC.

“Eco de Femmes” is a choral documentary that recounts the experiences and life and work ambitions of six women who live and work in different rural areas between Morocco and Tunisia. Six women who have the common objective of creating a cooperative that can combine the ancient farming knowledge and female manufacturing with the development of new products on the market. “Eco de femmes” is planned and carried out in the same project’s field, promoted by GVC and financed by the European Union and the Farming Onlus (CEFA), le Réseau Tunisien del’Economie Sociale (RTES) and le Réseau Marocain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (REMESS). The documentary was made thanks to the precious collaboration with Elenfant association of authors, filmmakers and independent producers.

Carlotta Piccinini, class of 1979, works across the board in the art video field making interactive installations and social documentaries.

With the patronage of Commissione per le Pari Opportunità tra uomo e donna della Regione Marche

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Readings on a towboat - With Isabella Carloni

Events Porto di Ancona – Banchina n°1


tied with the voices of the sea, mysterious figures emerge from myth and tell the stories to the thirsty for wonder world of today.
Isabella Carloni, voice artist, captures the feminine essence by creating a dialogue between the mythical Odysseus and the contemporary idea of the hero.

For the occasion, the Bar La Rotonda – Scalo Molo Nord will offer an aperitif: 3 different taste of Stockfish with drink - 12 €; platter of cold cuts and cheese or veg platter with drinks - 10 €.
For more info: Bar La Rotonda +39 349 1888119.

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Workshop on Balkan goldsmith - Goldsmith Workshop for metal cutting

Workshop Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Boxe


In collaboration with Weekendoit
Curated by Alice Canapa

“Give form to your creative ideas and engrave them on the metal you prefer”: during the workshop you will learn the techniques of cutting and the metallic components used, by taking thin sheets of brass to create an accessory that inspires the jewels of the Balkans. We can all create something with our own hands, even those who define themselves as “useless”.

Maximum 15 participants, minimum 8. Subscription costs € 10 per person.
Bookings via email: associazioneilcanapaio@yahoo.it.
Those taking part will be supplied with all the material and a pamphlet on the workshop.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102

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“Ofelia dell’Acqua Chiara”

Theater Arco di Traiano


Performance by Gruppo Teatrale Recremisi

A surface of clear and sparkling water is the one in which Ophelia, a pure and melancholic soul, sees her reflection. Her life will become scattered with abandonment and whilst her fragile poise collapses, her heart breaks, her mind wavers just as the water ripples and roughens. Each character has his own element: the solid Laertes with his feet firmly stuck to the ground, Ophelia liquid and fleeting, forever stuck in her own element; whilst amongst the clouds, the doubting Hamlet racks his brains full of air.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices Replica

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier


Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102

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21:00 ↓ 23:00
Migrants and new citizens

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo


A selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival.
Terra di tutti Film Festival sponsored by the GVC Bologna, every year presents documentaries on social themes, coming from the south of the world and turns the spotlight on forgotten conflicts, struggles for the rights and protection of natural resources.

Sexy Shopping

Antonio Benedetto, Adam Selo | Italy | 2014 | 17’

Miah, an immigrant from Bangladesh, after living in Italy for many years, decides to film a video in which he secretly films the activity that goes on inside his small shop, his “Sexy Shopping”: this is an opportunity to talk about the crisis and annoyances of the new generations.

Destination De Dieu

Andrea Gadaleta Caldarola | Italy | 2014 | 21’

The majority of tomatoes produced in Italy come from the Capitanata, where each year more than 20,000 foreign workers are used. Here stands the Gran Ghetto, one of the biggest Italian slums, a shantytown exclusively inhabited by Africans.

Just About my Fingers - Storie di confine e impronte digitali

Paolo Martino | Italy | 2012 | 40’

Mussa Khan is a ‘muhajır’, a refugee in search of a safe place to live. His story is one of many of the afghans who, every year, travel thousands of kilometres in order to seek asylum in Europe.

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Turkish Café in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Veronica “Annie Hall” - voice, keyboard | Julián “Julico” Corradini - voice, guitar | Simone “Sus” Giorgini - voice, double-bass | Simone “Gordo” Pozzi - voice, drums | Cristiano “Doc” Giuseppetti - voice, violin, keyboard

Voice, guitar and double-bass meet and mix together in the music of a group that came from the music of the street, they go on to perform, after a very short time, at festivals and concerts of European importance. The Turkish Café, finalist on Musicultura 2015, define themselves as a subliminal electronic-acoustic band: they combine, experimenting, the beauty of the sound of acoustic instruments with the strength of their lyrics, the electronic sound, rhythm and harmonised vocals.

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Gianmarco Dottori in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Gianmarco Dottori - voice, guitar | Luca Bellanova - keyboard

In collaboration with Caffè del Teatro / Stockfish

Realising he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, singer-songwriter Gianmarco Dottori decided that he will always play with a hat on his head. When he was 14 he discovered guitar, developing a natural inclination for music. In 2008 he participated at Sanremo Festival, in 2009 opened the live concert of Ligabue in Stadio Olimpico and won the Festival of Italian Author Song Prize in Isernia. In 2012, directed by Giampaolo Morelli, his first videclip come out: “Se Valerio Scanu vince Sanremo”. He took part in The Voice and in June of 2015 wins the 26th edition of Musicultura with the song “Dannata felicità”.
Now he come back to Ancona and its sea for Adriatico Mediterraneo, after the concert for the re-opening of the port.

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Wednesday, September 2

We, playing for the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion 2015 – 4th International trophy for young footballers



The event has a chiefly sports and recreational feel. “Us, playing” means that young people want to feel a part of the process in the construction of the Macroregion. They are in play because they go out on the field with all of their strength, passion, with the right preparation, ideals and expectations.


> 9.00   guided tour of the city

> 11.00   meeting with the young people and the representatives of the institutions about AI Macroregion

> 15.30   final phase of the football tournament
  - Stadio Dorico

> 18.00   Awards Ceremony

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18:00 ↓ 20:00
DOC Zone

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo


A selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival.
Terra di tutti Film Festival sponsored by the GVC Bologna, every year presents documentaries on social themes, coming from the south of the world and turns the spotlight on forgotten conflicts, struggles for the rights and protection of natural resources.

The Human Horses

Rosario Simanella, Marco Landini | Italy | 2013 | 54’

Spring 2012, in the neglected Indian capital of Calcutta, a city of some 16 million souls, Ibrahim, Ram and Raju tread the streets, barefoot, across the dusty tarmac pulling along their cart.

Quello che resta

Antonio Martino | Bosnia, Italy | 2014 | 50’

Some twenty years after one of the most dramatic conflicts in the Balkans, the destruction of the Old Bridge of Mostar, seven men, each one more different from the last, carry out their life in the city, as we know it today, without ever meeting one another but each of them have in common a small piece of their past.

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Award Ceremony for the 2015 Adriatic Mediterranean Prize to Paolo Rumiz
Program dedicated to the First World War

Events Segretariato Iniziativa Adriatico Ionica


Writer and journalist but above all traveller, Paolo Rumiz has crossed, on numerous occasions, the many frontiers of the Mediterranean Sea, telling the tales of the places and the people that inhabit them.
An attentive eye has helped him capture the men and women that encompass the history of Europe and the Near East.


Anissa Gouizi in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Anissa Gouizi - voice | Gionni Di Clemente - oud, guitar | Emilio Marinelli - piano | Francesco Savoretti - percussions | Giacomo Dominici - double-bass

Italy and Algeria join and mix themselves in voice and sounds of Anissa Gouizi. Lyrics and melodies in various languages and sounds which goes from Italian to French and Arabic show her will to tell and to tell about herself with particular attention to the aspect of the journey and the migration, whether it is real or just a state of mind.

The night will go ahead with Caffè Del Teatro / Stockfish and music by Dj Alpha

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Evening with Paolo Rumiz
Program dedicated to the First World War

Meetings Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana


Presented by Sergio Sparapani

Memories and lessons from the First World War told, at first hand, by Paolo Rumiz, who in his travels has crossed more times frontiers that, a century ago, have become frontlines between countries at war, putting himself in the shoes of those who in ‘15 were catapulted into the “senseless slaughter” that changed Europe and the world forever. What is left of those bloodbaths? What lessons have been learned and which, rather, have been forgotten, a century after Italy’s entrance in the Great War? These are the questions asked before setting off on a trip of discovering places, people and their stories.

Paolo Rumiz writer and journalist, was sent off by Trieste’s Il Piccolo and as editorial journalist for La Repubblica. He has travelled at great length across Europe, the Mediterranean and the East.

*The ticket also includes the show by Maurizio Casagrande

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Maurizio Casagrande in “15 Trincee 18: suoni, parole e immagini dalla Grande Guerra”
Program dedicated to the First World War

Theater and Music Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana


Maurizio Casagrande - singer-storyteller | Nicole Millo - narrator | Fabio Gemmiti - accordion | Giovanna D’Amato - cello | Sandro Gemmiti - piano

How can one narrate a tragedy of such dimensions? Music and poetry, in a criss-cross of sounds and words, give voice to what has been and is difficult to express. Thoughts, prayers, illusions, desires, emotions, fears, humanity and the horrors of the Great War: a unique and relentless evening that overwhelms humanity, told in verse and the written words of the poets who themselves lived directly through the great tragedy, with music ranging from the great classics to local folk song.

*Ticket also includes event with Paolo Rumiz

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Sacchi Patuzzi Duo - Harp And Violin

Music Loggia Dei Mercanti


Maristella Patuzzi - violin | Floraleda Sacchi - harp

A very personal and original musical journey is conducted by two musicians of ecceptional talent: Maristella Patuzzi on violin, Floraleda Sacchi on the harp. The two present a tango of an intimate and unusual poetic character – in which malincony, hope and sensuality go harmoniously hand in hand. The compositions, by Astor Piazzola, are presented to us, in an original and creative arrangement by the two musicians, between tradition and innovation, classical and jazz, improvisation and world music.

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Thursday, September 3

18:00 ↓ 20:00
Stories of stones and races

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo


A selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival.
Terra di tutti Film Festival sponsored by the GVC Bologna, every year presents documentaries on social themes, coming from the south of the world and turns the spotlight on forgotten conflicts, struggles for the rights and protection of natural resources.


N. Grignani, V. Testagrossa, A. Zambelli, A. Mussolini, L. Scaffidi | Italy, Palestine | 2013 | 60’

Night time, an almost indescribable event is taking place: dozens of sheep have washed up on the shore of Gaza City’s main beach.

Sacred Stones

Laila Higazi, Muayad Alayan | Palestine | 2013 | 53’

The natural stone is the most requested Palestinian natural material. Inside the villages, refugee camps and the city, the conditions in which it is extracted cause great environmental, social and health problems, all whilst the voices of the Palestinian people remain unheard.

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Evening with Giulio Giorello
“Reasons of word”, IX edition dedicated to “Love”: The Mediterranean as seat of approval of solidarity

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti


Knowledge and solidarity towards a pacific coexistence between cultures
Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Giulio Giorello is world renowned epistemologist, tenured professor of the Philosophy of Science at the State University of Milan, author of dozens of essays. He has recently published the volumes on “Il tradimento: in politica, in amore e non solo” and “Lussuria, la passione della conoscenza”. Also of particular interest: “Con intelligenza e amore. Ricerca e carità”, with Carlo Maria Martini (2015), “La lezione di Martini. Quello che da ateo ho imparato da un cardinale” (2013).

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Presentation of “Tremaggio”. The flood in Senigallia in a story told by nine writers.

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside


Edited by Antonio Maddamma

What really happened the morning of the 3rd of May 2014 in Senigallia? Where did that mud come from and what did it covered and what did it took away? A book that tries to tell the story of that tragedy with narrative tools and to tackles the complex reality using the fictitious tale.

The collected works contain the stories by Andrea Bacianini, Leonardo Badioli, Enrico Carli, Catherine Cipolat, Pelagio D’Afro, Paolo Mirti, Mariangela Paradisi, Luca Rachetta e Andrea Valenti. The collection, along with photographs by Mirko Silvestrini, includes a contribution by Massimo Cirri and his proceeds are donated helping the victims of the flood in Senigallia.

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“#milionidipassi”: A possible bridge for moving populations

Conferences Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Convegni


Conference by Medici Senza Frontiere

To leave ones own country, ones own home, to have to leave for fear of being killed. To have to walk for days, weeks, months in the desert or in the snow, or to have to cross the rough sea in a boat in order to look for a safe place. This nightmare is the reality for more than 51 million people in the world, forced to make hundreds of steps toward survival: 16 million of these are refugees, more than 33 million displaced people and around 1.2 million are asylum seekers. Those who take charge of these: #milionidipassi by Medici Senza Frontiere.

Presented by Loris De Filippi President of MSF Italia, Stefano Galieni Coordinator of the Corriere delle Migrazioni, Giovanni Lattanzi President of the GUS, moderator Linda Cittadini journalist at ÉTV Marche.

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Anima Equal in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Dejni (Dine) - voice, acoustic guitar | Guido Giacconi - lead guitar | Gianfranco Ruggeri - rhythm guitar | Henry Ballante - bass, harmonica | Andrea Rogati - drums | Sene Papambaye - percussion | Badu Diagne - percussion

Anima Equal is a project founded by Italian and Senegalese musicians in the Marche’s hinterland: a mixture of est africans and mediterranean rythms; a clean, powerful and engaging sound that creates a multicultural music-lab which unites ethno, blues, funky, reggae in a mix they called Afrosoul.

The night will go ahead with Caffè Del Teatro / Stockfish and music by Dj Alpha

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“Young Syrian Lenses – Media Attivisti in Aleppo”

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo


A movie by Ruben Lagattolla, Filippo Biagianti | Documentary | Syria, June 2014 | 52’

The movie will be introduced by the director Ruben Lagattolla.

Since the beginning of the Syrian Revolution, rebels in freed Aleppo continue their untiring work as reporters in the television network HalabNews.com. Through interviews and testimonies of media activists, confirmed by episodes experienced directly from the camera, the viewer is thrown into the daily reality alongside the young reporters.
A look at the human condition of the civil population, without images of journalistic impact on strategy and military operations.

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Antonella Ruggiero & Maurizio Di Fulvio Group “Concerto Versatile”

Music Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana


Antonella Ruggiero - voice | Maurizio Di Fulvio - guitar | Renzo Ruggieri - accordion | Ivano Sabatini - double-bass | Walter Caratelli - percussion

The most eclectic voice of Italian music sings the Mediterranean together with one of the most important avant-garde groups on the international scene. “Concerto Versatile” reshapes, in a unique evening the edges of music, building bridges between genres and memories: classical and modern find a new balance in the voice of Antonella Ruggiero and in the finesse of the Maurizio Di Fulvio group in a repertoire reinvented especially for the Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival.
Jazz, classical and contemporary songs are added to a reinterpretation of the music related to the maritime tradition, with an eye to the Klezmer sounds.

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Duo Patria Ballario in concert

Music Loggia Dei Mercanti


Sergio Patria - cello | Elena Ballario - piano

The duo made up of Sergio Patria and Elena Ballario, marks in 2015, the 28 years of continued work.
Innovation and experience have brought the two to perform in the main concert halls in Italy and Europe. The group play their classical repertoire, inedited compositions and specially written recordings by Elena Ballario performed exclusively by the duo.

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Friday, September 4

The port at dawn

Guided Tours Starting from Porta Pia


The tour will focus on the seventeenth century restoration of the port designed by Luigi Vanvitelli and will end at the Arco Clementino from where to admire the sunrise.

The tour costs: € 5,00 per person. Minimum group: 10 people.
For info and booking: prenotazioni@opera-coop.it


Egypt between fundamentalism, political regime and freedom

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo


Evening with Giuseppe Acconcia
Moderator: Michela Mercuri, Professor of the department of Contemporary history of Mediterranean countries at the Macerata University

What is really happening in Egypt? Cairo still finds itself in the middle of a difficult exit post Mubarak, the objectives of the groups affiliated to the Islamic State and the theatre of a difficult debate between repression and a yearning for freedom.

Giuseppe Acconcia, journalist, writer and specialised researcher on the Middle East is the correspondent for the newspaper Il Manifesto. He is also the reporter for Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Kurdistan and other surrounding areas.

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Evening with History: Franco Cardini

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti


Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Franco Cardini, Florentine, historian of international fame and one of the most important Italian experts of history – and of the stories – of the Mediterranean. The sea acts as the scene of collisions but also of encounters between cultures and religions that, from the Medieval period onwards and after the discovery of lines that bring together the shores of the Mediterranean Basin, lines made up of commerce, relationships and shared ideals.
An evening to talk about the great battles and economic and cultural links that have, forever, crossed the waves of the sea.

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Readings with Alessia Raccichini
Carmelina. Blue heart. Heart of salt.

Meetings Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Incontri


Alessia Raccichini works in the world of performance and communicative arts. Actress, storyteller and copywriter, she is also author of various short stories, short plays and narrative texts for the commemorative history of places.


Sossio Banda in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Francesco Sossio - sax, clarinet, traditional woodwind | Loredana Savino - voice | Tommaso Colafiglio - strings | Pasquale Barberio - accordion | Francesco Leoce - acustic bass | Michele Marrulli - drums, tamburine

A concert of great variety that brings together distant worlds in space and in time, performing once more with a modern sensitivity, the great heritage of the popular Puglia music.
The original pieces proposed by the Sossio Banda, recall the acoustics and traditional harmonies enriched by the contribution of musicians of different backgrounds: an innovative Mediterranean sound is sprung forth, capable of varying these overwhelming percussive and melodic rhythms with sounds of great intensity.

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21:00 ↓ 23:00
Other Fields

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo


A selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival.
Terra di tutti Film Festival sponsored by the GVC Bologna, every year presents documentaries on social themes, coming from the south of the world and turns the spotlight on forgotten conflicts, struggles for the rights and protection of natural resources.


Mario Leombruno, Luca Romano | Italy | 2013 | 26’

Giugliano, Italy, behind an iron sheet fence, 400 Rom reside, in the middle of an area known as the symbol of the environmental disaster in Campania. Just three centimetres of tarmac and gravel separate the settlement from the land on which, over the years, both legal and illegal rubbish has accumulated.

Container 158

Stefano Liberti, Enrico Parenti | Italy | 2013 | 60’

The daily stories of the inhabitants of the “villaggio attrezzato” on Via di Salone, a camp in which Rome’s administratives have regrouped more than 1000 citizens of Rom ethnicity.

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C'Mon Tigre in concert

Music Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana


C'MON TIGRE - synth, bass, guitars, voices | Beppe Scardino, Mirko Cisilino, Henkjaap Beeuwkes, Federico Pierantoni - brass | Pasquale Mirra, Marco Frattini - vibes, percussions

n ensemble that came together in the Mediterranean Basin and whose music has touched worldwide. Their sounds born from an interest in Africa and one that wants to speak to the world, the group has a mysterious formation. It’s not easy to say where C’mon Tigre comes from, the group changes shape, voices and sounds at every appearance, an open construction site that produces hynoptic acoustics, middleeastern dance.
By their own admission, C’mon Tiger make music based on repetitive riffs and minimal approach, with, however, maximalist and cosmopolitan attitude, between guitars, analog drum machines, accordions and brass section that, they promise, “fanno ballare i serpenti“.
It’s not jazz nor is it world music, it’s not space rock but: the roar of many souls – “C’mon Tigre is a collective of Souls” –, worldly, harmonized, unique.

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The composers of the shores. from Genova to Trieste
Duo Magnasco – Cardinale

Music Loggia Dei Mercanti


Alessandro Magnasco - piano | Andrea Cardinale - violin

A greatly experienced duo with a history of over 700 concerts on their backs, perform a classical repertoire of Vivaldi, Tartini, Paganini – confronting each other with the dynamism of the coast. From their interpretive research and devotion to philological studies, comes forth an impeccable structure of great audience participation, thanks to the dynamism and the sophisticated perfomance of the duo.

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Adriatico Mediterraneo Party: Capibara Live set

Music Lazzabaretto


In collaboration with ARCI Ancona.

Capibara, project by Roman Luca Albino (one of the founders of the independent electronic collective - White Forest Records), one of the leading name of the Italian electronic scene.
Capibara is a sensitive soul, disguised as a nerd who finds refuge behind songs in which, beyond the mirror of electronic sound, garage futurisms, urban rhythms and African influences, the lines and pop horizons are hidden.

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Saturday, September 5

Evening with Davide Rondoni
“Reasons of word”, IX edition dedicated to “Love”: The Mediterranean as seat of approval of solidarity

Meetings Loggia Dei Mercanti


Tollerance and Migration: the contribution to the solidarity of religions
Presented by Giancarlo Galeazzi

Davide Rondoni, from Forlì, is one of the major contemporary Italian poets, as well as author of essays, narrative texts and plays. He founded and directed the Contemporary Poetry Centre at the University of Bologna. He currently holds courses in poetry and literature at the universities of Bologna, Milan Cattolica, Genova, Rome and also abroad at Yale and at Colombia University. He participated in the most important poetry festivals in Italy and abroad.

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“In attesa dell’onda anomala delle 15.30” - Reading by Luigi Socci

Events Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Incontri


A poetic evening on the sea with Luigi Socci, poet and artistic director of La Punta della Lingua festival.


The Bosphorus hanging in the balance: Turkey at the crossroads

Meetings Arco di Traiano


Evening with Marta Ottaviani | Presented by Jurij Bogogna

Turkey has always been a bridge between cultures and now, more than ever, it finds itself in a precarious balance among numerous different worlds that shake within its insides: Europe and Asia, modern and tradition, secularism and religious integralism.

Marta Ottaviani, journalist from Milan, after having attended the Istituto di Formazione Giornalistica “Carlo De Martino”, has lived eight years in Turkey. She collaborated with, among others, La Stampa, Avvenire and East. She has written: Cose da Turchi and Mille e una Turchia, edited by Mursia.

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Donia Massoud in concert

Music Arco di Traiano


Ali Abdelaziz - darbuka | Nabil Ghannouchi - nay | Donia Massoud - voice

Somewhere between music and theatre Donia Massoud rediscovers the traditions and folklores of Egypt. Born in Alexandria and soon emigrated to Cairo, Donia Massoud has travelled her country at length, at the scope of finding the most authentic roots in popular culture. With her group of musicians she has reached Europe, Asia and Africa, always bringing on stage the result of a unique and independent research on the very original musical sounds of Egypt.

During the event, a tasting of Festival Internazionale del Brodetto di Fano will be available.

The night will go ahead with Caffè Del Teatro / Stockfish and music by Dj Alpha

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Katalena in concert

Music Corte della Mole Vanvitelliana


Vesna Zornik - voice | Polona Janežič - keyboard, harmonium, percussions, voice | Boštjan Gombač - voice, clarinet, pocket trumpet, flugelhorn, sax soprano, bass, ukulele, fujara, irish flute, accordion, percussion, Andes 25F | Tibor Mihelič Syed - bass, saz, ukulele, kalimba, percussion, back vocal | Boštjan Narat - guitar, banjo, percussion, voice | Robert Rebolj - drums, percussion

The most inspiring voice of contemporary Slovenian music. Six elements that bring together the research of the popular tradition with influences from rock, blues, funk and jazz music. Formed in 2001, the Katalena dug a groove through the major European festivals, thanks to their style made of the traditional mixed with electronic arrangements: out comes a unique mix of rock and post folk that transforms the stage into a show of dance and music that engages even the most disenchanted of ears.

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Duo Chaminade in concert

Music Loggia Dei Mercanti


Caterina D'Amore - flute | Antonella De Vinco - piano

Flute by Caterina D’amore and piano by Antonella De Vinco come together in a concert of exceptional quality and expression. The two musicians that come with awards and success at international level play together with a tendency towards the atmosphere and a classical nature.

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Opa Cupa in concert

Music Marina Dorica


Cesare Dell'Anna – trumpet | Irene Lungo - voice | Stefano Valenzano - bass | Mauro Tre - farfisa, synth | Rocco Nigro - accordion | Antonio De Marianis - drums | Gino Semeraro - guitar | Davide Arena - sax

Opa Cupa is the first Balkan experiment formed in Salento, it is the story of some unrepeatable testimonies, a story of immigration, a tale of travels and of departures.
The band’s artistic journey is characterized by the research into the Balkan melodies that cross each other the typical sounds of Southern Italy, they enrich each other with undertones of progressive jazz and embellished by their odd and irregular tempo, they create a perfect union between tradition and avant-garde.

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Adriatica Sound (Rankin’ Lele & Striunizzo) + Morello Selecta
Opening Bleedz

Music Piazza della Repubblica


Rankin' Lele and Striunizzo are two of the trademarks of the most influential Reggae in Salento. In their sound like in classical music there is that matured artistic baggage in an infinite repetition of beach parties, dancehall in the countryside, manor farm events and concert in local squares that have made Salento’s music scene famous worldwide. Born and raised, artistically, with the Sud Sound System, the duo is one of the most mature result of the second generation of singers and selecta Raggamuffin from Salento.


Portobello for Adriatico Mediterraneo

Music Padiglione del Retai


In collaboration with Portobello

Music, entertainment, wine and food, evening market of auto-produced and homemade products, art exhibitions: all together to close togheter Adriatico Mediterraneo 2015, late into the night, with rhythms and the different cultures of the Mediterranean.


Booklet 2015


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    We are looking for volunteers who are willing to collaborate with us from 08.16.
    Send your curriculum vitae to: logistica@adriaticomediterraneo.eu

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