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Day by day > Tuesday, september 1
We, playing for the Adriatic-Ionian Macroregion 2015 – 4th International trophy for young footballers


The event has a chiefly sports and recreational feel. “Us, playing” means that young people want to feel a part of the process in the construction of the Macroregion. They are in play because they go out on the field with all of their strength, passion, with the right preparation, ideals and expectations.


> 15.00   initial round of football tournament at the
  - Stadio Dorico
  - Impianto sportivo Caldaroni Aspio Vecchio di Ancona

> 18.30   end of the first day’s tournament

> 20.00   torchlight procession of the young members of the sporting club of Ancona and the participants of the tournament from the Fornetto of Ancona going towards the park on via Grotte di Posatora with a view of the sea

> 21.00   street style show of the group la Luna Dance Center dedicated to the participants of the tournament at the Parco Belvedere of Posatora

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Presentation of Maiden Voyage, with Carboneria Letteraria

Meetings La Feltrinelli – Outside

The following will be present: Manuela Maggi, Giuseppe D’Emilio, Roberto Fogliardi, Gabriele Falcioni, Francesca Garello, Biancastella Lodi

The first collective novel by the Carboneria Letteraria, group, a literary experiment that combines collective narration, science fiction and classic crime genre of the locked room mysteries. The novel is narrated by the fourteen characters, each of whom a different author gives voice, creating a snap-fit novel written by 34 hands and 17 brains of the 14 authors of which 5 are women, 8 men and one polymorphic.

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Tunisia struggles for democracy. Different faces of women’s liberty

Meetings Polveriera Castelfidardo

Meeting with Giorgiana Giacconi, Attorney of GVC in Tunisia, Leila Ben Salah, journalist and Carlotta Piccinini, director.

Follows screening of a “Eco de Femmes” which comes from the homonymous project promoted by GVC.

“Eco de Femmes” is a choral documentary that recounts the experiences and life and work ambitions of six women who live and work in different rural areas between Morocco and Tunisia. Six women who have the common objective of creating a cooperative that can combine the ancient farming knowledge and female manufacturing with the development of new products on the market. “Eco de femmes” is planned and carried out in the same project’s field, promoted by GVC and financed by the European Union and the Farming Onlus (CEFA), le Réseau Tunisien del’Economie Sociale (RTES) and le Réseau Marocain de l’Economie Sociale et Solidaire (REMESS). The documentary was made thanks to the precious collaboration with Elenfant association of authors, filmmakers and independent producers.

Carlotta Piccinini, class of 1979, works across the board in the art video field making interactive installations and social documentaries.

With the patronage of Commissione per le Pari Opportunità tra uomo e donna della Regione Marche

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Readings on a towboat - With Isabella Carloni

Events Porto di Ancona – Banchina n°1

tied with the voices of the sea, mysterious figures emerge from myth and tell the stories to the thirsty for wonder world of today.
Isabella Carloni, voice artist, captures the feminine essence by creating a dialogue between the mythical Odysseus and the contemporary idea of the hero.

For the occasion, the Bar La Rotonda – Scalo Molo Nord will offer an aperitif: 3 different taste of Stockfish with drink - 12 €; platter of cold cuts and cheese or veg platter with drinks - 10 €.
For more info: Bar La Rotonda +39 349 1888119.

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Workshop on Balkan goldsmith - Goldsmith Workshop for metal cutting

Workshop Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Boxe

In collaboration with Weekendoit
Curated by Alice Canapa

“Give form to your creative ideas and engrave them on the metal you prefer”: during the workshop you will learn the techniques of cutting and the metallic components used, by taking thin sheets of brass to create an accessory that inspires the jewels of the Balkans. We can all create something with our own hands, even those who define themselves as “useless”.

Maximum 15 participants, minimum 8. Subscription costs € 10 per person.
Bookings via email: associazioneilcanapaio@yahoo.it.
Those taking part will be supplied with all the material and a pamphlet on the workshop.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier

Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102

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“Ofelia dell’Acqua Chiara”

Theater Arco di Traiano

Performance by Gruppo Teatrale Recremisi

A surface of clear and sparkling water is the one in which Ophelia, a pure and melancholic soul, sees her reflection. Her life will become scattered with abandonment and whilst her fragile poise collapses, her heart breaks, her mind wavers just as the water ripples and roughens. Each character has his own element: the solid Laertes with his feet firmly stuck to the ground, Ophelia liquid and fleeting, forever stuck in her own element; whilst amongst the clouds, the doubting Hamlet racks his brains full of air.

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Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices Replica

Theater Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Atelier

Theatre production curated by Ponte tra Culture
Directed by Thilina Pietro Feminò

Except – Exchange of Community-engaged Performing Arts Practices is a biennial European project that joins six different countries with the scope of exchanging experiences between European theatre companies that work in social theatre. The partners of the project come from different sectors (clownery, musicians, artisans, theatre companies), they all have experience in the social art sector and work in marginalised areas with a target to working with the disadvantaged: suburbs, war zones, ethnic minorities. The show’s theme is cultural diversity.

Ticket 5 € unreserved seating
Limited availability, booking recommended mobile: +39 346 5006102

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21:00 ↓ 23:00
Migrants and new citizens

Cinema Polveriera Castelfidardo

A selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival.
Terra di tutti Film Festival sponsored by the GVC Bologna, every year presents documentaries on social themes, coming from the south of the world and turns the spotlight on forgotten conflicts, struggles for the rights and protection of natural resources.

Sexy Shopping

Antonio Benedetto, Adam Selo | Italy | 2014 | 17’

Miah, an immigrant from Bangladesh, after living in Italy for many years, decides to film a video in which he secretly films the activity that goes on inside his small shop, his “Sexy Shopping”: this is an opportunity to talk about the crisis and annoyances of the new generations.

Destination De Dieu

Andrea Gadaleta Caldarola | Italy | 2014 | 21’

The majority of tomatoes produced in Italy come from the Capitanata, where each year more than 20,000 foreign workers are used. Here stands the Gran Ghetto, one of the biggest Italian slums, a shantytown exclusively inhabited by Africans.

Just About my Fingers - Storie di confine e impronte digitali

Paolo Martino | Italy | 2012 | 40’

Mussa Khan is a ‘muhajır’, a refugee in search of a safe place to live. His story is one of many of the afghans who, every year, travel thousands of kilometres in order to seek asylum in Europe.

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Turkish Café in concert

Music Arco di Traiano

Veronica “Annie Hall” - voice, keyboard | Julián “Julico” Corradini - voice, guitar | Simone “Sus” Giorgini - voice, double-bass | Simone “Gordo” Pozzi - voice, drums | Cristiano “Doc” Giuseppetti - voice, violin, keyboard

Voice, guitar and double-bass meet and mix together in the music of a group that came from the music of the street, they go on to perform, after a very short time, at festivals and concerts of European importance. The Turkish Café, finalist on Musicultura 2015, define themselves as a subliminal electronic-acoustic band: they combine, experimenting, the beauty of the sound of acoustic instruments with the strength of their lyrics, the electronic sound, rhythm and harmonised vocals.

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Gianmarco Dottori in concert

Music Arco di Traiano

Gianmarco Dottori - voice, guitar | Luca Bellanova - keyboard

In collaboration with Caffè del Teatro / Stockfish

Realising he was not born with a silver spoon in his mouth, singer-songwriter Gianmarco Dottori decided that he will always play with a hat on his head. When he was 14 he discovered guitar, developing a natural inclination for music. In 2008 he participated at Sanremo Festival, in 2009 opened the live concert of Ligabue in Stadio Olimpico and won the Festival of Italian Author Song Prize in Isernia. In 2012, directed by Giampaolo Morelli, his first videclip come out: “Se Valerio Scanu vince Sanremo”. He took part in The Voice and in June of 2015 wins the 26th edition of Musicultura with the song “Dannata felicità”.
Now he come back to Ancona and its sea for Adriatico Mediterraneo, after the concert for the re-opening of the port.

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Booklet 2015


  • Do you want to share with us the experience of the Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo?
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    Send your curriculum vitae to: logistica@adriaticomediterraneo.eu

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