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Areas > Conferences

Sunday, August 30

How to establish a proper relationship with Pet Animals

Conferences Loggia Dei Mercanti

The situations of abuse, abandonment, illegal trade of pets can be countered through the maturing of a relationship imprinted through the knowledge and respect for diversity.

Preamble: Claudio Zabaglia - Assessorato Ambiente – Regione Marche, Alberto Tibaldi – Assessorato Salute – Regione Marche, Associations participating in the project "La scuola adotta un canile"

Speakers: Andrea Spaterna – Health Director Ospedale Veterinario Universitario Didattico – UNICAM, Roberto Marchesini – Ethologist, philosopher and director of SIUA, Maria Chiara Catalani - Veterinarian, expert in behavior, Vice-Chairman of SISCA, Stefano Gavaudan - Veterinary manager Istituto Zooprofilattico Umbria-Marche, Simone Cecchini - Chief Constable Corpo Forestale dello Stato, Rocco Coretti - Coordinator Zoophilic Guards OIPA Ancona.

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How is our sea? Environment and endangered species

Conferences Loggia Dei Mercanti

The conference aims to take stock of the situation of water and ecosystems of the Adriatic Sea in relation to the pollution effects, fisheries, climate’s changes on marine ecosystems.

Preamble: Claudio Zabaglia - Assessorato Ambiente – Regione Marche, Marco Affronte – Marine biologist and Member of European Parliament, Gianni Corvatta – Technical Scientific Director Arpa Marche, Mauro Marini – Person in charge of CNR-ISMAR of Ancona, Francesco Regoli – Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente UNIVPM, Carlo Cerrano – Professor at Dipartimento di Scienze della Vita e dell’Ambiente UNIVPM, Gaia Angelini - LAV representative.
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Thursday, September 3

“#milionidipassi”: A possible bridge for moving populations

Conferences Mole Vanvitelliana – Sala Convegni

Conference by Medici Senza Frontiere

To leave ones own country, ones own home, to have to leave for fear of being killed. To have to walk for days, weeks, months in the desert or in the snow, or to have to cross the rough sea in a boat in order to look for a safe place. This nightmare is the reality for more than 51 million people in the world, forced to make hundreds of steps toward survival: 16 million of these are refugees, more than 33 million displaced people and around 1.2 million are asylum seekers. Those who take charge of these: #milionidipassi by Medici Senza Frontiere.

Presented by Loris De Filippi President of MSF Italia, Stefano Galieni Coordinator of the Corriere delle Migrazioni, Giovanni Lattanzi President of the GUS, moderator Linda Cittadini journalist at ÉTV Marche.

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Booklet 2015


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