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BACHIR GARECHE by R.Filippetti
FILASTINE by R.Filippetti
HOMESICK by R.Filippetti
HOMESICK by R.Filippetti
HOMESICK by R.Filippetti
KAL by R.Filippetti
RAIZ by R.Filippetti
RAIZ by R.Filippetti
Tahar Ben Jelloun by R.Filippetti
VICENTE AMIGO by R.Filippetti
VICENTE AMIGO by R.Filippetti
VISIONARIA by R.Filippetti
VUNENY by R.Filippetti

Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival 2015 comes up with a rich program replete with events and news. Music, meetings, exhibitions, shows and screenings. During Adriatico Mediterraneo Festival 2015, Culture becomes a bridge between the shores of the Sea.

Bridges are the main topic of the 9th season of the Festival. Bridges as links between peoples and cultures, able to connet and to communicate different languages. Nobel laureate Ivo Andric writes:

[Bridges] are more important than houses, more sacred, and more universal than temples. They belong to all and treat all alike; they are useful, always built for a purpose, at a spot where most human needs entwine; they are more durable than other buildings and serve no secret or evil purpose.
[...] Thus, everywhere in the world, wherever my thoughts wander or stop, they encounter faithful and silent bridges like an eternal and ever insatiable human desire, to connect, to reconcile, and to join everything that challenges our spirit, eyes and feet, to stop division, contradiction, or parting.
[...] Finally, everything that this life reveals itself by – thoughts, efforts, looks, smiles, words, sighs – they all sway toward the other shore, to which they are directed, as if toward a target, and once reaching it, they gain their true meaning. They all have to overcome and bridge something – disorder, death, or the lack of meaning. For everything is a transition, a bridge whose ends fade away into the infinity and toward which all earthly bridges are nothing but mere playthings, pale symbols. And all our hopes are on the other side.

Booklet 2015


  • Do you want to share with us the experience of the Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo?
    We are looking for volunteers who are willing to collaborate with us from 08.16.
    Send your curriculum vitae to: logistica@adriaticomediterraneo.eu

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