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Areas > Guided Tours

Sunday, August 30

The Arco di Traiano, nineteen hundred years of history

Guided Tours Starting from Piazza del Senato

A tour dedicated to the Roman remains in the city that will end at the Arco di Traiano.
For info and booking: prenotazioni@opera-coop.it


Friday, September 4

The port at dawn

Guided Tours Starting from Porta Pia

The tour will focus on the seventeenth century restoration of the port designed by Luigi Vanvitelli and will end at the Arco Clementino from where to admire the sunrise.

The tour costs: € 5,00 per person. Minimum group: 10 people.
For info and booking: prenotazioni@opera-coop.it


Booklet 2015


  • Do you want to share with us the experience of the Festival Adriatico Mediterraneo?
    We are looking for volunteers who are willing to collaborate with us from 08.16.
    Send your curriculum vitae to: logistica@adriaticomediterraneo.eu

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