Free entrance

“Il Pugile del Duce” by Tony Saccucci

Welcoming, and guests introducing by Marcello Marcellini, lawyer.

To follow debate leaded by Fernando Piazzolla, lawyer and president of Camera Penale of Ancona, with Mauro Valeri, author of the book “Nero di Roma” (Palombi Editori) and director Tony Saccucci.

Organized by Criminal Chamber of Ancona, and supported by FIP and FIP Marche.


Free entrance

"Youth policies and mobility in Europe: a common road map"

Opening by Simone Pelosi, President of the City Council of Ancona, and Federica Ciciliani, President of Iniziativa Democratica.
With Paolo Marasca, City Councillor for Culture; Alessandro Gaeta, Vice President Iniziativa Democratica; Fabrizio Bitetto, National Coordinator of GaragErasmus Foundation; Stefano Campanari, President of ScambiEuropei.
With the partecipation of Sofia Corradi, pedagogist, and moderated by Martina Marinangeli.
Organized by Iniziativa Democratica.

An opportunity of dialogue and exchange of ideas to support youth mobility in Europe, starting from local policies as fundamentals to allow young people to gain experience abroad, facilitating cultural exchange programs among different countries....

Free entrance

“Europe and its fears: rights at risk”. With Gianandrea Gaiani and Luigi Narbone

Diritti e Rovesci. The protection of human rights in a changing world.
Organized by the Ombudsman for adults and children’s rights of Le Marche Region.
Moderated by Guido Maurino, journalist.

It looks like fears dictate policies and pave the future of Europe. In a scenario of increasing populism, new forms of racism coming out of the crisis, walls being built at the borders, we see that those rights asserted a long time ago in Europe are ...