Adriatico Mediterraneo supports the development of cooperation within the Adriatic Ionian Macro Region.

Regione Marche 4Pillars Adriatic IPA Blue Skills

In the 2016 Festival calendar there are many events dedicated to a better understanding of the areas and Countries involved in MRAI.

Free entrance

Cinema projection in collaboration with Terra di Tutti Film Festival - “Focus Siria”

Selection of documentaries from Terra di Tutti Film Festival. The Festival, promoted by GVC Bologna, focuses every year on a different social issue from the South of the world and sheds light on forgotten conflicts, fights for human rights and protection of natural resources.

> Chemical Weapons: Made In Europe
> Syrian Edge
> Une Histoire Syrienne

Chemical Weapons: Made In Europe Jean-Baptiste Renaud | France | 2015 | 52’ From Syria to Bahrain, the illegal use of chemical weapons is a tragic matter of fact with a common element: the chemical products used are from Europe. Jean-Baptiste Ren...

Free entrance

Playing for the Adriatic Ionian Macroregion - Youth Football Tournament played by teams from the two shores of the Adriatic Sea

Sport, dialogue among different cultures, education to peace and citizenship.

The players come from Ancona, Ascoli Piceno, Senigallia, Cesena, Split. The first round of the tournament will be held in Ancona (August 30th and 31st), the second one in Split (September 21st). The ultimate goals are: strengthening the friendship ...

Free entrance

“Religions and Democracy. The right to secularism”. Conference with Paolo Flores D’Arcais and Izzedin Elzir.

Diritti e Rovesci. The protection of human rights in a changing world

Curated by Le Marche Region Ombudsman and the Regional Legislative Assembly.
Moderated by Giancarlo Galeazzi, President of Italian Philosophy Society of Ancona.

Paolo Flores D’Arcais, philosopher and director of the journal Micromega, in his last book “La guerra del sacro. Terrorismo, laicità e democrazia radicale” (The war of the sacred. Terrorism, secularism and radical democracy) analyses the public relig...

Free entrance

“Partire, forse arrivare: popolazioni in fuga sulla rotta balcanica” (To leave, to arrive maybe; peoples escaping in the Balkan route)

With Loris De Filippi, President of MSF Italy, Stefano Galieni, Vice President ADIF – Association Rights and Borders, Stefano Lusa, journalist Radio Capodistria.
Moderated by Giuseppe Di Paola, Adriatic Ionian Initiative.

Escaping from Syria and from the zones of conflict to reach closed borders, walls, refugee camps, mud and cold. That’s what the Balkan route is, from Greece through the countries of former Yugoslavia to reach the borders of Schengen. It is the most...

Free entrance

Sibi Viam Facere - Travelling Performance

Curated by Hexperimenta.

The ancient port is a place of memory, a structural and symbolic passage anchored to the past and launched over the sea towards distant horizons. It has a relation of connection and exchange with the Mediterranean basin and the many cultures coexist...

Free entrance

“Fighting the IS and fundamentalism. The right to freedom”. Conference with Raqqa is Being Slaughtered Silently.

Diritti e Rovesci. The protection of human rights in a changing world

Curated by Le Marche Region Ombudsman and the Regional Legislative Assembly.
With the participation of Ruben Lagattolla, director. Moderated by Jurij Bogogna, journalist.

Since 2014, the group of Syrian activists and journalists Raqqa Is Being Slaughtered Silently (a group of Syrian journalists and independent activists) represents one of the few sources of news coming from the areas controlled by the IS. Two persons...

Free entrance

“The right to know”. Conference with Domenico Quirico

Diritti e Rovesci. The protection of human rights in a changing world

Curated by Le Marche Region Ombudsman and the Regional Legislative Assembly.
Presented by Francesca Alfonsi, journalist.

One of the great Italian war correspondents will tell about himself and the difficulties to narrate the conflicts on site. From Sudan to Syria, from Libya to the Horn of Africa, Domenico Quirico observes and narrates risking his own life. In 2011, he...