“Partire, forse arrivare: popolazioni in fuga sulla rotta balcanica” (To leave, to arrive maybe; peoples escaping in the Balkan route)

With Loris De Filippi, President of MSF Italy, Stefano Galieni, Vice President ADIF – Association Rights and Borders, Stefano Lusa, journalist Radio Capodistria.
Moderated by Giuseppe Di Paola, Adriatic Ionian Initiative.

Escaping from Syria and from the zones of conflict to reach closed borders, walls, refugee camps, mud and cold.
That’s what the Balkan route is, from Greece through the countries of former Yugoslavia to reach the borders of Schengen.
It is the most common route for migrants coming from the Middle East in the last months, the route that is undermining the principles on which the European Union is based, in a climate of fear and identity crisis that turns into new nationalisms.

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