Entrance cost: € 10,00

'O Rom feat. Daniele Sepe - Influenze Balcaniche (Balkan Influences)

Daniele Sepe - saxophone
Carmine D'Aniello - vocals and guitars
Carmine Guarracino - guitar
Emidio Ausiello - percussion instruments
Nino Conte - accordion
Patrizio Catalano - drum
Roberto Caccavale - double bass
Carmen Famiglietti - gipsy dance

A live concert in which the gipsy language of the accordion merges with the jazz melodies of the sax and the Mediterranean sounds of the frame drums; a triumph of different rhythms alternating with gipsy rumbas. The core of this show is contaminatio...

Free entrance

Antonio Del Sordo (guitar)

A versatile guitarist with flamenco influences breaking the borders of genres and merging different musical cultures.

Gipsy influences inspire dynamic explosions of rhythm expressing the versatility of Antonio Del Sordo, who manages to switch from flamenco to free-jazz and from classic to gypsy....