“The right to information in Turkey”. Conference with Marco Ansaldo and Yavuz Baydar

Diritti e Rovesci. The protection of human rights in a changing world

Curated by Le Marche Region Ombudsman and the Regional Legislative Assembly.
Moderated by Dario Gattafoni, President of the Association of Journalists of Le Marche Region.

Turkey ranks 150th out of 180 in the classification made by Reporters Sans Frontières on freedom of press.
In the last years, the number of cases of censorship, detentions, newspapers closure have intensified and the control by the government has become stricter and stricter.
A central issue for the democratic future of one of the key countries in the Middle East. The speakers will be Marco Ansaldo, special envoy of the newspaper Repubblica, and Yavuz Baydar, one of the most renowned Turkish journalists, founder of P24, a platform monitoring the freedom of Turkish media.

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