• 28 August 2016
  • 18:30
  • Archaeological site of the Roman port
  • Performances

Free entrance
Curated by Voyagerlab, sound designer: Fabio Abeti.
From 18:30 to 22:00.

Giving new resonance and vibration to the ruins in the ancient Roman port of Ancona and to the sounds buried by Time…the sounds of handicraft shops, of voices, of the sea and of its animals, of its noises; its PHONOSFERA…the sound of a community developing inside their own port, a place of exchange, of welcoming and hospitality since it was created. And then, in the future, living the experience again using “the sound” of cities historically related to Ancona: Constantinople, Trabzon, Laodicea, Chios, Famagusta, Alexandria, Ragusa, Syracuse, Barcelona, Valencia: a piece of Ancona in another port.

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