Conference with Antonio Calabrò, author of “I mille morti di Palermo” (Publishing company Mondadori)

  • 2 September 2016
  • 20:00
  • Mole Vanvitelliana - Sala Boxe
  • Meetings

Free entrance
With the participation of Vincenzo Macrì, Republic’s General Prosecutor of the Appeal Court of Ancona, Pasquale Barreca, Deputy Police Commissioner of Ancona.
Moderated by Giulia Torbidoni, journalist.

Palermo looks like Beirut. Bombs, machine guns, guns, a war arsenal for the fight among mafia clans that shed blood in the city from 1979 to 1986 with a tragic balance: 1000 deaths, 500 victims in the streets, 500 kidnapped and disappeared. A massacre while the rest of Italy enjoys with excitement the happy days of the ‘80s.
“I mille morti di Palermo” (The thousand deaths of Palermo) tells of those years, of those victims, of that complicity. The book is a civil persistent and documented report, written with hope and passion, but it is also a tribute to the sacrifice of the ones who didn’t give up; it warns not to drop the guard against a mafia that, in the words of Leonardo Sciascia, “is more dangerous when it doesn’t shot”.
Antonio Calabrò will dialogue with one of the major experts of organized crime at a national level: Vincenzo Macrì, General Prosecutor of Ancona, member of the Direzione Nazionale Antimafia and Assistant Attorney in Reggio Calabria.

Antonio Calabrò, journalist and writer, has been editor-in-chief of “L’Ora” at the time of the “war on mafia”. He worked at “Il Mondo” and “Repubblica”, he was editorial director of “Il Sole 24 Ore”. He is professor at Bocconi and Cattolica Universities in Milan.